Sunday, May 18, 2008

4.9 Astronomer Biography: Kip Thorne

Kip Thorne's tremendous legacy to the realm of theoretical physics and astrophysics in the 20th century is practically second to none. Having trained a generation of scientists and made innumerable contributions to these fields, Kip Thorne is one of the best in his field and also one of the leading experts on the implications of Einstein's theory of general relativity.
Born in Logan, Utah in 1940 to a college professor father and chemist/economist mother, Thorne was raised in a highly academic environment and excelled in his schoolwork. Thorne's academic prowess allowed him to achieve his high educational goals at a relatively young age, receiving his BS at 22 from Caltech and his PhD from Princeton at 25. In 1967, Thorne returned to Caltech as one of the youngest full professors to teach theoretical physics. Throughout his many years of teaching at the institution, Thorne has mentored as many as 50 physicists who now work in the observational and experimental fields.
Overall, Kip Thorne's research has centered on astrophysics and gravitational physics, leading him to study such phenomena as relativistic stars, gravitational waves, and black holes. He is also credited with the somewhat controversial assertion that wormholes can be used for time travel. However, his contributions to the field largely concern Einstein's theory of general relativity, namely the general nature of space, time, and gravity.
Several of Thorne's discoveries are of great worth to astronomy. F0r example, Thorne proposed the idea of hoop conjecture, which describes the mechanism for black hole formation and also eliminates the view of a black hole as a naked singularity. Thorne along with his friend and colleague Stephen Hawking, believe that there is instead a singularity at the interior of the black hole.

Friday, May 16, 2008

4.8 The M81 Galaxy Group

In this deep field view, both bright galaxies and faint nebulae are visible. The largest visible galaxy is M81 and is in the center of the field of view. M81 is gravitationally interacting with M82 below it. M82 is an interesting galaxy due to its unusual halo of red gas. These galaxies are in the Virgo supercluster.

Friday, May 9, 2008

4.7 The Dark Tower in Scorpius

In this crowded starfield lies a dusty cosmic cloud nicknamed the "Dark Tower." Star formation is likely occurring in this dark nebula that is nearly 40 light-years across. This swept-back cloud is termed a cometary globule and is created by intense UV radiation from an OB association. This structure is about 5,000 light-years away.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

4.6 Observation Log

Date: May 5, 2008
Time: 8;30-10:30

270 15' 29.35" N, 820 23' 44.36" W; My Home
Sky Conditions: Clear and great visibility after sunset.

Instruments: None (I forgot to come back and pick up binoculars)

Planets: Mars, Mercury

Bright Stars Noted: Capella, Castor, Pollux, Sirius, Procyon, Regulus, Spica, Arcturus, Betelgeuse

Constellations Noted: Hydra (Hydra's Head only), Gemini, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Ursa Minor, Auriga, Leo, Leo Minor, Corvus, Virgo, Bootes

Binary Stars: Capella (However, could not distinguish separate stars as no instruments were used)

Deep Sky Objects: Hyades, Pleiades

Asterisms: Winter Triangle, Hydra's Head, The Scythe, Big Dipper

Sunday, May 4, 2008

4.5 Shaping NGC 6188

In the constellation Ara, NGC 6188 sits beside what is otherwise a large, dark molecular cloud. It is about 4,000 light-years away and very large as this image spans about 300 light-years. NGC 6188 is relatively young, having been formed only a few million years ago, and bright, young massive stars can be seen dotted throughout the image. The false coloring of this image shows the placement of certain elements such as oxygen, hydrogen, and sulfur.

4.4 M86 in the Virgo Cluster

Near the center of this picture is M86, a bright galaxy in the Virgo Galaxy cluster. M84 is also visible in this photo as is a pair of interacting galaxies, Markarian's eyes. The Virgo Galaxy cluster is the closest large galaxy cluster, with well over 1,000 members. The cluster is about 50 million light-years away and covers nearly 10 degrees on the sky.

4.3 Messier 63: The Sunflower Galaxy

Deep in the Northern Sky, the Sunflower Galaxy is about 25 million light-years away in the constellation Canes Venatici, or the Hunting Dogs. It has a bright yellowish core and blue spiral arms and is dotted with pink regions of star formation. It is about the size of the Milky Way Galaxy. Extended features can be seen in this photograph, which are a result of the gravitational interactions between M63 and other galaxies.

Friday, April 11, 2008

4.2 Stickney Crater

The Stickney Crater is the largest crater on the Martian Moon Phobos. Stickney is nearly half the diameter of the moon itself. The event that caused this crater seems to have almost destroyed the small moon. This image was taken by the HiRISE camera aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The streaks along Phobos suggest that material has slid inside the crater walls over time. The actual event that caused this crater is unknown.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

4.1 The N44 Complex

The N44 complex is about 1,000 light-years across and is a grouping of several emission nebulae. It can only be seen in the Southern hemisphere, located in Large Magellanic cloud, our neighboring galaxy. The stellar winds and heat given off from highly luminous stars sculpt the glowing nebular gas into unique shapes. Supernovae have also contributed to the complex's unique shape.

Friday, March 14, 2008

3.18 Sculpting the South Pillar

Eta Carinae, an unstable and massive star in the Milky Way, greatly affects its environment. This picture shows the South Pillar of the Carina Nebula, where regions of dust and gas are being molded by the intense wind and radiation of Eta Carinae and newborn stars. This region is nearly 10,000 light-years. This image was taken by the Space Spitzer Telescope and the image spans 200 light-years.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

3.17 Planetary Nebulae

This is a Black Hole, for good measure:

Friday, March 7, 2008

3.16 The Cat Paw Nebula

Visible in Scorpius, the Cat Paw Nebula is an impressive emission nebula. Its red color originates from an abundance of ionized Hydrogen. The nebula is nearly 5,500 light-years away. In the past million years, stars have been formed that are nearly a million times larger than the Sun. The Cat Paw Nebula is alternatively known as the Bear Claw Nebula as well as NGC 6334. This photo is an image of the end of the Cat Paw Nebula taken from a telescope in Chile.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

3.15 Pictures for Biography

Pickering in the year he began teaching at Harvard

Pickering at Harvard

"Pickering's Harem"

3.14 Edward Pickering Biography

Edward Charles Pickering

Edward Charles Pickering was an American astronomer and physicist who indelibly left a lasting mark on both fields both in the United States and abroad. Pickering was born on July 19, 1946 in Boston, Massachusetts where he spent nearly all of his childhood. He attended Boston Latin School and then went on to receive his B.S. degree at Harvard University, graduating in 1865. In 1867, Pickering became a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and held that position for ten years. At MIT, Pickering helped to establish the first U.S. laboratory in which student were required to use laboratory instruments to make measurements. Pickering left MIT to become the professor of astronomy at Harvard as well as the director of the Harvard observatory. That same year he co-founded the Appalachian Mountain Club, one of the United States’ oldest outdoor groups. Pickering was the director of the observatory for forty-two years during which time he and his staff observed more than forty-five thousand stars. The observatory under his direction was also able to make great leaps in the gathering of stellar spectra by means of photography. Pickering was also able to hire several women in his observatory due to several donations from Henry Draper’s widow. They included Annie Jump Cannon, Henrietta S. Leavitt, Williamina P. Fleming, and Antonia Maury. These women became popularly known in the scientific community as “Pickering’s Harem.” Despite this nickname, many of these women made important discoveries in the field. The observatory also produced the Henry Draper Catalogue, which contained objective prism spectra from nearly a million stars according to Annie J. Cannon’s “Harvard Sequence.”

Pickering also introduced the use of the meridian photometer to the observatory, which utilized a calcite prism to juxtapose the image of a star with one of a designated group of north polar stars to compare their brightness. Much of the data collected from this device was used to compile another catalogue entitled Harvard Photometry. He also established an observatory in Arequipa, Peru in 1891, where he collected data of southern stars that he combined with the data collected in Massachusetts. From this data, he published the first all-sky photographic map. Pickering and Hermann Carl Vogel both independently discovered the first spectroscopic binary stars. In addition, Pickering discovered a new series of spectral lines that were actually due to ionized Helium. In 1911, Pickering also co-founded the American Association of Variable Star Observers with William Olcott, where he encouraged many amateur astronomers. Edward Pickering died at Harvard on February 3rd, 1919. Pickering also won several awards during his lifetime. These include the Bruce Medal, the Royal Astronomical Society’s Gold Medal, the Henry Draper Medal, and the Order Pour le Merite for Arts and Sciences. Furthermore, Pickering held several leadership positions in his field, including President of the American Astronomical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Because of Pickering’s contributions to Astronomy, many objects are named for him. The Pickering crater on the Moon is named both for him and his brother William Pickering. There is also a Pickering crate on Mars in his honor as well as minor planet 784, Pickeringia.

Sources were previously listed.

Friday, February 29, 2008

3.13 The Eagle Nebula

The pillars of the Eagle Nebula, bright stars are still forming in this well-known image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. The light taken in was emitted only from Hydrogen, Sulfur, and Silicon, contributing to the high resolution of this image. These bright stars have been continually forming for nearly 5 million years. The nebula, also known as M16, spans nearly 20 light-years and can be viewed near the constellation Serpens.

3.12 Pickering Biography

Will fill in later.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

3.11 Pickering Biography Sources

Works Cited

Bailey, Solon I. The History and Work of Harvard Observatory, 1839 to 1927. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1931. Internet Archive. 28 Feb. 2008 [].

Plotkin, Howard. "Edward C. Pickering and the Endowment of Scientific Research in America, 1877-1918." Isis 69 (1978): 44-57. JSTOR. 28 Feb. 2008 [ 1753%28197803%2969%3A1%3C44%3AECPATE%3E2.0.CO%3B2-8].

Tenn, Joseph S. "Edward Charles Pickering." The Bruce Medalists. 11 Feb. 2006. Sonoma State University. 28 Feb. 2008 [ html].

3.10 Nebula Videos and Images

The Ant Nebula

HRI image of Crab Nebula

Hubble Image of Crab Nebula showing Variations in Density

Chandra Image of Cigar Nebula

3.9 Young Stars in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud

Taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope, this image shows cosmic dust clouds and embedded newborn stars in false color. This image is part of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex some 400 light-years away, one of the closest star forming regions to Earth. The large cloud of cool Hydrogen is heated by these new stars, causing it to glow in the infrared. This image spans about 5 light-years.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

3.8 Apparent Magnitude Worksheet

Apparent Magnitude Worksheet

  • Eta Aurigae 3.5
  • Beta Eridani 3.9
  • Gamma Orionis 2.4
  • Beta Tauri 3.1
  • Delta Orionis 2.1
  • Zeta Orionis 2.0
  • Mu Geminorum 2.8
  • Xi Geminorum 3.7
  • Sigma Canis Majorum 4.4
  • Eta Canis Majorum 1.9
  • Alpha Geminorum (Castor) 1.0

Thursday, February 7, 2008

3.7 Light Echoes fro V838 Mon

For unknown reasons, the star V838 Mon brightly expanded, making it the greatest star in the Milky Way in 2002, suddenly fading soon after. In this stellar flash, supernovas and novas appeared to expel matter into the universe. However, what actually happened is that this matter formed an outwardly moving "light echo." In a light echo, light from the flash is reflected by successively more distant rings of interstellar dust that already surrounded the star. V8383 Mon is about 20,000 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

3.6 Observation Log

Date: February 01, 2008
Time: 7:30-9:30

270 15' 29.35" N, 820 23' 44.36" W; My Home
Sky Conditions: Very clear and great visibility. Considerable light pollution in NW (from Sarasota)

Instruments: None

Planets: Mars

Bright Stars Noted: Sirius, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Pollux, Castor, Capella, Aldebaran, Achernar, Algol, Arneb, Procyon

Constellations Noted: Lepus, Columba, Canis Major, Gemini, Orion, Monoceros, Eridanus (I only traced part of it as I lost sight of the rest), Taurus, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Camelopardalis (only two stars visible), Aries, Auriga, Canis Minor

Binary Stars: Rigel, Capella, Algol (However, could not distinguish separate stars as no instruments were used)

Deep Sky Objects: Hyades, Pleiades

Asterisms: The Three Kids (Auriga), Orion's Belt & Orion's Sword (Orion), The Worm (Cassiopeia)

Friday, February 1, 2008

3.5 Young Star Cluster in Westerlund 2

Star forming region RCW 49 surrounds a young star cluster, Westerlund 2. This cluster is not able to be seen in the visible spectrum, so this image was captured in the infrared by the Spitzer Space Telescope. The black and white image is from the infrared data. The color image was taken with X-ray from the Chandra telescope, appearing in false color. Westerlund 2 is in Centaurus. This cluster contains some of our galaxy's most luminous and massive stars and is 2 million years old or less.

Friday, January 25, 2008

3.4 Andromeda Island Universe

This is a stunning picture of the Andromeda Galaxy, or M31, which is nearly two and half million light-years away. It is over 200,000 light-years across. Its bright yellow nucleus and blue spiral arms are clearly visible. The Andromeda Galaxy was the galaxy that allowed for the development of the theory of island universes.

Friday, January 18, 2008

3.3 The Cocoon Nebula

The Cocoon Nebula, or IC 5146, is a fantastic nebula 4,000 light-years away in Cygnus. Inside the nebula is a newly developing star cluster. At the same time, the nebula contains bright red emission, blue reflection nebulas, and dark absorption nebulas. The star to the left is believed to have created a hole in the molecular cloud. This same star provides much of the energy for the light emitted by the nebula.

Friday, January 11, 2008

3.2 Observation Log

Date: January 11, 2008
Time: 7:00-9:00

270 15' 41.46" N, 820 24' 48.71" W; Field behind Suncoast Community church on Hawkins Road
Sky Conditions: Relatively clear. Clouds toward the end. Some light pollution.

Instruments: Binoculars, Telescope

Planets: Mars

Bright Stars Noted: Sirius, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Procyon, Pollux, Castor, Capella, Aldebaran, Polaris, Deneb, Achernar, Algol

Constellations Noted: Canis Major, Cepheus, Casseopeia, Auriga, Gemini, Canis Minor, Lepus, Monoceros, Eridanus, Andromeda, Pegasus, Perseus, Taurus, Orion

Binary Stars: Rigel, Capella

Deep Sky Objects: Hyades, Pleiades, M42, M31, M38, M36, M37

Other: Observed the Moon and the Trapezium of M42

3.1 Jupiter and Io from New Horizons

Taken by the New Horizons spacecraft, Jupiter and its moon Io appear in fantastic detail. Jupiter was captured in three bands of infrared light, causing the Great Red Spot to appear white. Jupiter's complex atmosphere is clearly visible with swirls, stormy ovals, and bands that span the entire planet. In this picture, Io's volcano Tvashtar is clearly active, emitting a sunlight-scattering plume. Below the plume lava is visible.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

2.11 Picture Related to Rittenhouse Biography

David Rittenhouse at age 60 in an engraving by Edward Savage

Portrait of David Rittenhouse by Charles Willson Peale, 1791

The orrery constructed by Rittenhouse at the University of Pennsylvania

The orrery constructed by Rittenhouse at Princeton University

2.10 Biography: David Rittenhouse

Whitney Webb

Mr. Percival

Astronomy Honors

10 Oct. 2007

David Rittenhouse

As the leading astronomer of Revolutionary America, David Rittenhouse indelibly left his mark on the astronomy of America, helping to lay the science’s foundations in the new nation. The son of Matthias Rittenhouse, a farmer, and his wife Elizabeth, David Rittenhouse was born in 1732 in Germantown, Pennsylvania. Due to his humble beginnings, Rittenhouse was self-taught and from a very early age showed a remarkable aptitude for both mathematics and science, mastering a translation of Newton’s Principia as a teenager. When he was nineteen years old, Rittenhouse opened a scientific instrument shop at his father’s farm where he became celebrated for his skill with instruments, especially clocks. Over the next thirty to forty years, Rittenhouse made several important and well known instruments. The most significant of these instruments are the two orreries, or astronomical modeling devices, which he gave to Princeton University and the University of Pennsylvania, then the Colleges of New Jersey and Philadelphia respectively.

In 1766, Rittenhouse married Eleanor Coulston, who bore him two children soon after, but tragically died during childbirth only four years after their marriage. Rittenhouse moved to Philadelphia following her death and used his prowess in astronomical and terrestrial observation to survey canals and rivers as well as to establish boundaries between several of the Mid-Atlantic States. He soon became the official city surveyor of Philadelphia in 1774. His scientific thinking and experimentation led to gain an impressive reputation in America and also in Europe as a result of his detailed observations and important astronomical works. The most noteworthy work on Astronomy puts forth a solution of how to find the place of a planet on its orbit, which was published in 1799. Rittenhouse was voted into the American Philosophical Society in 1768, where plans were made to observe the transit of Venus across the Sun. For this purpose, Rittenhouse constructed an observatory on his father’ farm in Norriton where he constructed one of America’s very first telescopes. This telescope used spider-silk to form the reticle. In 1769, Rittenhouse pioneered the observation of the transit of Venus which won him international acclaim. During his observations, Rittenhouse was the first to discover the presence of an atmosphere on Venus, which was also discovered by a Russian astronomer independently and at different times. In 1772, Rittenhouse re-married, this time to Hannah Jacobs. She bore him a child who died in early infancy.

During the Revolutionary War, Rittenhouse was a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly and the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention. He also served on the Board of War and was state treasurer from 1779 to 1787. In 1779, he was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, which had granted him an honorary Master’s degree in 1767. Rittenhouse also taught Astronomy at the University from 1779 to 1782. After the war, Rittenhouse continued surveying Pennsylvania’s borders and completed the unfinished survey of the Mason-Dixon Line in 1784. A year later, Rittenhouse made the first diffraction grating using fifty hairs between two finely threaded screws with an average spacing of one hundred lines per inch. During this time, Rittenhouse also dealt with several mathematical concepts and published his first mathematical paper in 1792, an attempt to determine the period of a pendulum. His subsequent mathematical papers, although nothing ground-breaking, had great significance as Rittenhouse was the only important American mathematician of the eighteenth century besides Benjamin Franklin. Rittenhouse studied electricity and magnetism to some extent. From 1791 to 1796, Rittenhouse served as the President of the American Philosophical Society and from 1792 to 1795 was the first director of the U.S. Mint. At the end of 1795, he was named a fellow of the Royal Society of London. Rittenhouse suffered from poor health for much of his life and died peacefully at his home in 1796. In 1813, Rittenhouse’s nephew who was also a member of the American Philosophical Society published a biography on Rittenhouse’s life. Former President Thomas Jefferson ordered six copies directly from the author.

Works Cited

"David Rittenhouse." Penn in the 18th Century. University of Pennsylvania. 10 Jan. 2008 [ david.html].

Dodge, Russ. "David Rittenhouse." Find a Grave. 21 June 2001. 10 Jan. 2008 [].

Leitch, Alexander. "The Rittenhouse Orrery." A Princeton Companion. Princeton University. 10 Jan. 2008 [ rittenhouse_orrery.html].

O’Connor, J. J., and E. F. Robertson. "David Rittenhouse." 12 Aug. 2005. Dept. of Math and Statistics, St. Andrews. 10 Jan. 2008 [ Biographies/Rittenhouse.html].

Rittenhouse, David. "To Determine the True Place of a Planet, in an Elliptical Orbit, Directly From the Mean Anomaly, by Converging Series." Transactions of the American Philosophical Society os 4 (1799): 21-26. 10 Jan. 2008 [ (1799)1%3A4%3 C21%3ATDTTPO%3E 2.0.CO%3B2-Z].