Thursday, October 4, 2007

1.7 Observation Log

Date: October 4, 2007 Time: 7:30-9:30 Location:270 15' 29.35" N, 820 23' 44.36" W; My Home
Sky Conditions: Quite Cloudy, major cloud movement every 4 to 5 minutes. Heat lightning was relatively constant.

Instruments: Binoculars (Nikon Travelite II, 9-25 maginification)

Planets: Venus, Jupiter!

Bright Stars Noted: Nunki, Altair, Vega

Constellations Noted: Sagittarius (Barely), Ophichus, Serpens Cauda, Aquila, Lyra, Capricornus, Part of Aquarius (I think, there was a cloud in the way)

Binary Stars: Epsilon Lyrae. It looked like a really wide star, so I assumed that's what it was.

Deep Sky Objects: None Noted


Note: I might have seen several deep sky objects because there were many fuzzy items within a few constellations. However, the binoculars I have are older than I am and were not able to focus on them to distinguish their nature.

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